
Bizarre Failed Energy Sources

Energy is the main crisis of this world. For now we solely depend upon energy from petrol, electricity or gas but in the past there had been various tries o take renewable source of energy from unexpected sources. Some of these bizarre failed energy sources are as follows.

Coal Gas Vehicles

During World War I, a bizarre form of energy was used to run the automotive. Coal was heated in oxygen deprived chambers and then this was filtered for distribution in gas bags that were strapped on top of the vehicles. However the idea was immediately shunned due to many fires breaking upon these vehicles. It was just like having a bomb strapping upon a vehicle.

Coal Gas Vehicles

Tesla Tower

In 1901, Nikolai Tesla built his iconic Tesla Tower on Long Island with an intention to transfer electricity by wireless signals. According to sources, initial test were successful but due to insufficient funding, Tesla ended the project. Soon after his rival Marconi used the same technology to invent the world’s first wireless telegraph signal.

Tesla Tower


Farmers, during the Great Depression ear were forced to make their own fuel by using alcohol, for that they used sugar extracted from corn and then create fuel called Agrol. The energy source never caught on because of the high cost of sugar and insufficient equipment plus a license required to do so. To this date although fuel is being made by this process but it is illegal to use in vehicles.



An Atmospheric Vortex Engine was designed to simulate a tornado like phenomenon to create Mechanical Energy and run the generators for producing pure electrical energy. The idea was used by an engineer named Louis Michaud in 1970’s. However, so far with exception to small scale test no large scale industrial tornado powered energy has been produced.



In 2000’s a French Company in collaboration with Tat car company of India tired to make cars that would run on compressed air energy. The problem lied in the fact that air needed had to be compressed at 4350 psi for which electricity was needed and the main market of India for electricity relied on electricity produced from coal. So the idea never got past the initial testing phase.


Nuclear Planes

From ear of Cold War to 1960’s, Russia produced many nuclear plane prototypes that sued incoming air to pass through reactor cores and create the thrust. However the problem was the underlying ration exposure to pilots along with risk of having nuclear fallout in aftermath of a plane crashing down.

Nuclear Planes

Propeller Car

In 2000’ French man invented a car named Helicon with a propeller paled on front to move the cars. However the propellers made the movement of car rather sluggish and for uphill the car had to have a good run up.

Propeller Car


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