
Facebook will launch the ‘news’ tab in fall

Facebook has the new plans for its tabs apparently and the new one is going to be the “News” tab which the social media giant is planning to launch in the coming few months. This news tab is going to have the news published for the trustworthy sources written by renewed publishers.

The news about Facebook adding a news tab was released by ‘The Wall Street Journal” on Thursday. Their news claims that Facebook has approached the publishers from the media sources like ABC News, The Washington Post, and Dow Jones by offering them 3 million dollars per years in order to license the headlines as well as write articles.

According to this report, this publishing deal is planned to run for 3 years and is going to allow new outlet significant freedom like choosing the way their content will appear in this “News” tab. These publishers will also be given the option to host either their full news content on Facebook or chose a headlines slash excerpt links which take readers back to their sites.

As for the news that if any of these approached outlets have agreed to this proposal by Facebook or not.

As for the users of the social media platform, this will be a great addition who will now enjoy the prominent and featured news in the tab that will be placed alongside the Messenger and the News Feed.

Ss for Facebook, they have not commented on this but still confirmed to media that they are working on something called News tab which they are most likely to launch in fall this year. The idea was first pitched in by Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook where he also stated that he wants Facebook to be a medium for surfacing high-quality news to the world.

This news came in when Facebook is under heavy criticism of misleading the information on their platform which the company has vowed to correct since their 2016’s scandal.

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