
Major Historical Figures and Their Failed Attempts at Writing

It is always not necessary that the novels are to be written by some great name of literature. There had been few significant people of history who have also tried their hand in writing out some of the literary work but their efforts all turned out to be disastrous in the end. despite the nature of their literary work’s success or failure some  of the most historical figures who made failed attempts at wiring are down below.

Saddam Hussein’s Epic Adventure Novels

Saddam Hussein

The famous Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein when not pursuing genocide against Kurds was sitting and relaxing in his palace and wiring a series of Short Stories in ancient Babylon. You will be surprised to know that before his death, Saddam Hussein wrote a total of four novels comprised of short stories and nearly each of these novels sold almost one million copies each. The most famous amongst these novels was named as Zabibah and the King.

Pope Pius II’s Erotic Best Seller

Pope Pius

One of the sexiest and widely sold thrillers of the 15th century was written by a Pope named Pius II of the Catholic Church. The name of the novel was The Tale of Two Lovers. The author, Pope Pius II himself admitted that the novel was part autobiographical in nature. Do not be alarmed by this piece of history as the Pope wrote this novel before he was given the honor of being the Pope and after becoming the Pope he tied to destroy every copy of this novel.

Eleanor Roosevelt: Crime-Solving Detective

Eleanor Roosevelt

The son of the renowned US president Franklin D Roosevelt, Elliot Roosevelt was an author by profession but what is most surprising is that one of his major work was writing a novel in which he presented his mother Eleanor Roosevelt as  murder crime solving detective. The novel is actually a series with 20 books following the same story line.

Winston’s Churchill’s Alternate History Story

Winston’s Churchill

Winston Churchill also tried his hand at writing novels and his was about an alternate timeline where he explained what would have had happened if the Confederate Army had won the US Civil War. The novel was explicitly racist in nature.

From the point of Churchill’s story the world would have been a much better place if it hadn’t been for the pesky Abraham Lincoln. The British Empire making Americana and England both British Commonwealth nations would have stopped the World War 1 from ever happening.

Muammar Gadhafi’s Short Story Collections

Muammar Gadhafi

Colonel Muammar Gadhafi, the self proclaimed leader of and Revolutionary of Libya also wrote a collection of Short Stories. While there is speculation If Saddam Hussein wrote his own stories or not, many agree that the stories of Muammar Gadhafi were written by himself. The stories are dark in nature and explain the darkest side of human nature in the under developed countries like Libya.

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Romance Novel

Napoleon Bonaparte

Before ten years becoming the Emperor of France, the famous conquerorist Napoleon Bonaparte tried his life as a romantic novelist. His most famous work was a 100 page long novel named as Clisson et Eugenie about why his girlfriend should have never broken up with him.

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