
Twitter’s dark mode is really black and it looks amazing

Among the latest design trends this year, the most popular is the emergence of the Dark Themes for many of the popular apps. For those who spend most of their time looking at the screens of their mobile devices, then Dark Mode is the ideal choice of use. It is not only easy on the eyes but also saves a lot of battery life.

One of the famed Social media sites, Twitter is also not behind on this design trend as they have introduced their Dark Mode as well.

Actually, Twitter has decided to make it’s Dark Mode even greater by introducing its darker theme. This new darker theme is quite the opposite of the previous navy blue-tinged color and is completely Black. In addition to this completely black Dark Mode, Twitter also introduced the automatic enabling of the Dark Mode.

According to the announcement from Twitter, the new dark mode is as follows, “With the new changes in the iOS, Twitter is planning to launch a darker theme for its dark mode which will be named as “Lights Out”. It will be unlike app’s previous Dark Mode theme and is actually totally black. It is a pure black color palette that will not be emitting any kind of light as the pixels in this theme will be turned off.”

This Dark Mode and its various black color themes might sound a lot of hype to guys who are not that much interested in Dak Mode, but it is quite literally a big deal.  Until the Apple Company released its system-wide Dark Mode, the only viable option to have the Dark Mode is to turn the Dark Mode on every individual app manually.

For those who are not ready to work in the all-day Dark Mode over Twitter, they can choose the Automatic Dark mode option. This option will turn on the dark mode only in the evening. It is similar to functioning with the Apple Night Shift feature.

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Written by Suddl

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