
Chemical Reactions That Changed The World

They say that all the things that are in this world and in the whole universe are a result to the chemical reactions of the various substances. So in a manner our whole being and everything around us falls into filed of chemistry. While our life may be surrounded by chemical reactions that we may not know but there are some chemical reactions that completely altered the way the mankind once lived. Some of these chemical reactions that altered the world as we know it are a follows.

Ammonia Synthesis

Ammonia Synthesis

The synthesis of ammonia was invented by Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch back in 1918. The used a process in which they heated and pressurized gaseous hydrogen and nitrogen with an iron catalyst to create ammonia. With its cheap availability and increased potency, ammonia was son the alternative to the natural fertilizers. Today ammonia is the second most chemical produced artificially only after sulfuric acid.

Polymerization of Polyethylene

Polymerization of Polyethylene

Plastic is the most highly used product in the world due to its resistance to heat and chemical. Plastic comes in high and low quality polyethylene and depending upon its density I used in various manufacturing products.

Polythene was accidentally discovered by two scientists who were working in Imperial Chemical Industries Research laboratory back in 1933. They were reacting Ethylene and Benzaldehyde but instead ended up making a wax like material which was a polymer. This polymer ended up being the Polyethylene plastic material which with its various applications became famous. At the current moment it is recorded that about 100 million tons of this material had been manufactured.

Synthesis of Urea

Synthesis of Urea

German Scientist named Friedrich Wohler back in 1825 was trying to develop Ammonium Cyanate by reacting Sliver Cyanate with Ammonium Chloride but instead he ended up making White Crystals which he later named as Urea. Urea was the first organic compound developed by humans and ultimately this named Wohler to be the father of the organic chemistry.

Water with Carbon Dioxide

Water with Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide release in the air every year, part of this carbon dioxide gets absorbed by the ocean waters and results in the phenomenon that is now known as the “ocean Acidification’ which has resulted in increase of the ocean acidity by thirty percent. While this acidity level may be beneficial for some life forms like algae and sea grasses, it is overall harmful for the sea life like oysters, shellfish and corals.



One of the most revolutionary inventions in human history is the Soap and the process by which it was invented is called Saponification. In past soap was made by heating ashes, animal fats and salt in water. In today’s modern world it is made on industrial scale by a more sophisticated process in which Sodium Hydroxide or Potassium Hydroxide are reacted with fatty acids.

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