
Frightening Facts about Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the US. Gonorrhea causes pain when urinating, discharge, sore throat, fever, and achiness. Some of its symptoms are ignored because they’re associated with other illnesses, and some cases of gonorrhea are asymptomatic. Gonorrhea is no celebratory matter. It has us scared for more reasons than just pain and discomfort.

The Inspiration for Its Name

Its name was inspired by the thought of a penis dripping “seed” against its will. Gonorrhea was named by Galen, a Greek doctor, in the second century. The name “gonorrhea” refers to Galen’s impression that the discharge caused by the disease was “seed” flowing out of a patient’s penis. The discharge is likely what caused one of gonorrhea’s more well-known nicknames, “the drip.”

Why it’s called ‘The Clap’

Gonorrhea is called “the clap” because of the way people used to treat its symptoms. The disease causes discharge in both males and females. Many infected men slammed heavy objects against their penises to release the discharge.

Super Gonorrhea

The clap could soon become “super gonorrhea” that is resistant to the antibiotics used to treat it in the past. According to medical journal PLOS Medicine, more than 90 percent of the 77 countries participating in a gonorrhea tracking program report some kind of gonorrhea that is resistant to antibiotics.

Gonorrhea Can Trigger Other Medical Problems

Gonorrhea may trigger heart problems later in life, and infected mothers may pass along the disease to their babies, resulting in Blindness for the children.

Mothers with gonorrhea who give birth could pass along the disease to their children, who in turn could suffer some nasty eye infections or blindness. Most of all, gonorrhea causes misery.

Condoms May Not Work

Condoms may not protect against gonorrhea because there may be other uncovered areas on the body, such as a sore, where infected bodily fluids can spread the disease. As gonorrhea can be asymptomatic at first, especially in females, it can take up to 30 days before you start experiencing any symptoms.

Mercury Injections

Gonorrhea used to be treated with Mercury Injections into the penis. If today’s antibiotics don’t work to cure super gonorrhea, let’s hope that doctors don’t turn back the clock to some of the older treatments.

Most recently, Listerine has been tested as a cure for gonorrhea. The number of cases in gay or bisexual men has risen, mostly because many don’t use condoms or they engage in oral sex.

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