
A University Professor faces sentence of 219 years imprisonment for sending the missile chip tech to China

A professor working at the University of California, Los Angeles has been charged to face a maximum sentence of 219 years in imprisonment after the jury in his case found him guilty on account of smuggling military-grade chips to China.

The name of the professor is Yi-Chi Shih, who is an electrical engineer as well as adjunct engineering working at UCLA.

Yi-Chi Shih was found guilty for his crime last month in front of a jury in Los Angeles. Yi-Chi Shih was convicted for 18 different counts which include mainly the illegal transport as well as the multiple charges of fraud.

Shih, alongside another defendant named Kiet Ahn Mai, were both found to be working together in order to defraud a semiconductor chip manufacturer working in America. According to the persecutors of the case, Mai came to company posing as a potential customer and then obtained the chip designs from the yet to be named company. He then illegally set these chips to China.

Prosecutors also said that the company to which these chips were sent in China is a company whose president is Shih. Shih paid for this scheme with money provided through a bank account that is based in the United States which further was funded by another company located in China.

As for these stolen chips they are used for the following purposes.

  • Missiles
  • Missile guidance systems
  • Fighter jets
  • Electronic warfare
  • Electronic warfare countermeasures
  • Radar

For the past 1 and a half year, the main reason for dispute between China and the United States has been the indusial espionage. This issue has further been intensified after the trade negotiations between the countries have been heated up. In the past US accused even the renowned Chinese company Huawei for stealing their technology from an American business.

As for the confirmation of the Shih’s sentence, it will be decided officially later.

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Written by Suddl


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