
How-to Guide for setting up and using Google Pay

Google Pay is the digital wallet service developed from Google for an online payment system to make online purchases easier. Google Pay automatically syncs up the user’s credit cards whenever their Google account is logged in to make quick payments.

In addition to this, during these purchases, Google Pay will also automatically import the following features from the Google account as well.

  • Loyalty cards
  • Tickets
  • Offers

Currently, Google Pay is supported to work on many of the following major places.

  • Markets
  • Gas stations
  • Department stores

Today we present a how-to guide setting up and using Google Pay.

What is needed to Set Up Google Pay?

For setting up a Google Pay account you need to have following things.

  • Debit card, credit card or a PayPal account
  • Google Account
  • A Google Pay supported device

How to add payment accounts on Google Pay?

For those of you who want to use the Google Pay for making online payments for example for apps or movies, then the Google Pay account on the app can be set in the following manner.

  • Open the Google Pay app
  • Click on the “Three-line menu” icon located on the upper left corner
  • Select the option “Payment Methods”
  • Here user can add the information of their PayPal, Credit or Debit card account

After you have entered and saved the information, Google will make use of this information for using these accounts to directly pay the things you buy online. A single user can add in multiple accounts on Google Pay as well.

Removing a payment method from Google Pay:-

If a user wants to remove a certain payment method from their Google Pay account, then you need to follow the following steps.

  • Open the “Google Pay” app
  • Go to the same “Payment Methods” section
  • Click on the option “More Payment methods” located on the lower corner of this page
  • On this page, the user will see the payment methods they are currently using. These payment methods will also have the buttons titled “Remove” or Edit”

Where can one use the Google Pay?

In the world wherever a person sees the credit card terminal with the symbols as shown in figure down below, they can use their Google Pay.

For using it, a user needs to simply move their phone or their watch to the contract point of the terminal. After that they will have to wait for a Blue Checkmark which is an indication that the user’s information about their Google Pay account has been successfully received.

Is it Secure?

As for the worry about the users that is Google Pay safe or not. Users have a worry that their credit card numbers might be visible to the online merchants. They should not worry as Google never gives these merchants that original credit card number. Google only provides them with an encrypted number.

In case the user loses their phone, the feature Android Device manger can be used form a computer with a Google account. From the Google account, the user can do the following tasks on their phone.

  • Lock it
  • Locate it
  • Remote wipe the contents of the phone clean

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Written by Suddl

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