Ouch! These idiots who fell asleep (we hope) in the sun were rewarded with some epic burns… UV rays-style. Nobody wants unsightly tan lines, but these people took their relaxing time in the sun to a whole new level. These aren’t your run of the mill swimsuit lines, some of these people have happy faces and fun messages from their friends burned right onto their skin!
Hopefully all these people went right out and bathed in a tub of aloe vera and are prepared for the skin cancer their future likely holds.
Stay safe in the sun, everyone! Unless your significant other really digs the tomato look.
This Poor Unfortunate Soul
These Two Who Didn’t Think Sunscreen Was That Important
At Least It Was Just One Knot
A Supporting Actor from the Movie Cocoon
This Girl Who Lived a Yogurt Commercial for a Little Too Long
A Horrible Tribal Sunburn That Looks Like Stretchmarks
This Guy Who Wore a Bra/Bikini Top for One Day
Batman Sunburn
So you thought you could get away with wearing crocs…..
This Really Great Red Skull Cosplay
Feeling Dumb
This Lobster with The Tanktop Made Of Human Skin
This Guy Who Sleeps with HIs Hand on His Belly
How did he managed this!
The Necklace Must Feel Like a Poker
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