
Google is going stop websites from blocking Incognito mode

Google is going to take care of the loophole that many companies have been exploiting for many years now. This loophole allows the companies to track how the people are actually browsing their websites while in the Incognito Mode.

According to 9to5 Google; Google has been aware of this little trick that he web developers have been using for the past decade which enables them to detect if a user is browsing through their website in the Incognito Mode.

This loophole prevents the users, to not have access to the content of the website. This ultimately forces the users to close the incognito mode.

How does this loophole work?

To access this loophole is fairly simple for web developers. Chrome is able to block the FileSystem API, which stores application files when a certain website is being used in Incognito mode. Websites and their developers who want to prevent their sites from running into Incognito mode just check for this API when a browser loads the page in the Google Chrome browser’s Incognito mode.

How Google is going to close this loophole?

Google is currently working on closing this loophole. They are preventing this from happening by allowing Google Chrome by creating a virtual file system in RAM. This will allow the websites to not notice the missing API. To ensure the browsed data is not saved, this recently created virtual system will erase all the data after a user exits from the Incognito Mode.

Example of a website using this loophole currently:

“The Boston Globe” is one of the many websites which are making use of this loophole in the Chrome browser. With this loophole, if a user visits their site, the news is blocked with a prompt message. The prompt message states as follows,

“You’re using a browser set to private or incognito mode, to continue reading articles in this mode, please log in to your Globe account.”

When will Google close this loophole?

Google is all set to close this loophole once and for all with an opt-in feature present in their Chrome 74. According to tech media, this version of Chrome browser is expected to release in April of 2019. As for this option to be a default one, it will be in the Chrome 76.

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Written by Suddl


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