For those of you who hate the Emoji, there is now an interesting and fun way to take your anger out on them and it is all thanks to none other than Google.
One Twitter user recently uncovered something really funny while he was working in the Google Slides.
The twitter writes, “I just learned this horror about the fact that deleting any of the family Emoji while suing them in Google slides does not actually remove the whole Emoji altogether. Instead, they kill off each of the individual family members in the Emoji, one by one and they start this with children.”
If a user inserts the family Emoji, which is 2 parents, mom and dad, and two kids, in the Google Slides and starts pressing backspace, it is not going to remove the entire Emoji as it does for other characters. It will first kill off the first kid, then the second one and then the mom and then finally dad.
We have presented the workings of this Emoji killing feature in the Google Slides up above in a video. We have tried this feature ourselves and this actually truly works. It also works in the Google Docs as well.
So for now, spend some time with your family, then come back to your room and take pout any of the family stress on the family Emoji using it in the Google Slides or the Google Docs.
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